IT And Computer Skills

CyberSec First Responder CFR

IT And Computer Skills

Course Info

Certified By: CretNexus CretNexus
Program Duration: 5 Days
Language: English / Arabic
Training Level: Intermediate
 :  235

CyberSec First Responder CFR

The CyberSec First Responder course prepares learners with the necessary skills to protect critical information systems before, during, and after an attack. It focuses on understanding, assessing, and responding to security threats and incidents. Through the course, learners will gain expertise in risk management, threat analysis, vulnerability management, penetration testing, and incident response.

Starting with risk management, students will learn to identify and mitigate risks, integrating documentation into the risk management process. The course then analyzes the threat landscape, including threat research and profiling. Participants will explore various attack scenarios, from reconnaissance threats and social engineering to system hacking and malware. They also learn about managing vulnerabilities within the organization and implementing penetration testing.
The course further delves into collecting cybersecurity intelligence, analyzing log data, and performing active network analysis with various tools. Finally, it covers responding to and investigating cybersecurity incidents, including forensic investigation procedures. Completing the CyberSec First Responder course equips learners with the knowledge to defend and respond to cybersecurity threats effectively, providing a solid foundation for a career in cybersecurity.

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