IT And Computer Skills

Certified Internet of Things IoT Practitioner CIoTP

IT And Computer Skills

Course Info

Certified By: CretNexus CretNexus
Language: English / Arabic
Training Level: High level
 :  132

Certified Internet of Things IoT Practitioner CIoTP

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables massive data collection and analysis, enabling well-informed decisions to be made quickly. However, the deluge of data handled by IoT systems is often acquired, processed, and presented using new technologies that are rapidly evolving and, in some cases, being rushed to market, creating new concerns for data privacy and cybersecurity.


This course presents an approach for managing IoT security and data privacy throughout the entire lifecycle. Through a combination of hands-on activities and case studies, you will learn how to identify and remediate vulnerabilities that undermine IoT security, as well as strategies for managing risk, securing data throughout its entire lifecycle, protecting data privacy, ensuring that IoT resources can be accessed only by authorized users, managing risks related to device firmware and software, and protecting IoT devices from direct physical and network access.

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